
Vukoje's blog about software development

Sinergija10 presentation material

Hi everyone,

As I promised last night, here are the materials from my two presentations at Sinergija10:

  1. Unit Testing solid fundamentals [download] [view online]
  2. Advanced Unit Testing - real life examples and mistakes [download] [view online]
  3. Code samples [download]

I hope that in few days I will also have video recordings of these two sessions.

Here is a list of highly recomeded resources related to Unit Testing:

Comments (6) -

  • Dejan Beciric

    11/19/2010 4:02:09 PM | Reply

    Thanks for presentation material and really helpful lessons on Sinergija ! Beside two books you recomended, I would also mention an amazing book :
    'Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#' from Robert C. Martin and Micah Martin ( where the great deal of the book is on the test driven approach in development process. Also,  very impressive examples of pattern usage in business application development are given.
    Regards, Dejan !

  • vukoje

    11/19/2010 5:26:15 PM | Reply

    Hi Dejan,

    I'm glade that presentations were useful to you.
    Regarding the book you have recommended, I have heard all the best about Robert C. Martin books and they are on my imaginary reading stack. Thanks!

  • Kristijan

    12/4/2010 4:51:03 PM | Reply

    Loved your presentations at Sinergija! Any indication when the video recordings are going to be available? I am starting to forget the stuff I heard there. Smile

  • vukoje

    12/5/2010 4:26:32 PM | Reply

    Thanks Kristijan,

    I hope that presentation videos will be up by the middle of the next week.

  • Kristijan

    1/3/2011 8:05:51 AM | Reply

    Are the presentation videos coming out soon?
    Thank you

  • vukoje

    1/3/2011 12:39:01 PM | Reply

    Hi Kristijan,

    I'm sorry for the delay.
    We had some technical difficulties with 2 cameras we used to record presentations.
    I hope I will have presentations up soon but since we are going on holidays at the and of the week it might be a vile. Frown
